05.11.21 Events, TV programmes, maternity leave, fundraiser, CIN, punctuality


Friday, 05 November 2021

Dear Parents/Carers,   


Events this week

  • A number of our Y6 children have taken part in Bikeability this week, where they have been learning how to ride their bikes safely on the roads.


  • Mrs Brennan’s class have had a non-uniform day today to celebrate winning the attendance award last half term.


Age-Appropriate TV Programmes

A number of our children have been playing games based on TV programmes or films which are not appropriate for their age. These are programmes that children have viewed on Netflix, YouTube and Tik Tok.  Please remember that these platforms are not suitable for children of primary age and viewing inappropriate footage can cause significant distress and damage to children’s well being. Many of our children also inform us that they have viewed inappropriate programme or games, with older siblings or even their parents.

If children have access to any electronic devices, then they should have parental controls on them to prevent them from viewing inappropriate content. It is also advisable that if children have access to devices that link to the internet, including smart phones, that these are not in the children’s bedrooms overnight, as a number of children are coming to school very tired, through using such devices late into the night.


Maternity Leave

Just a reminder that my last day in school will be Friday 12th November. After this time, I will then be on maternity leave until May 2022.

During this period of time, Mrs Gorrell will be the Headteacher for two days each week and Ms Tracey will be the Headteacher for three days each week.

If you need to speak to either of them, please call Mrs Iqbal.



Your child will be bringing home a letter giving information of a fundraising event, which will take place later this month in school. All children will be taking part in the event as part of their PE lessons, but we would be very grateful for any donations that can be made, which will all go directly to support us with buying resources for school.


BBC Children In Need Appeal

On Friday 19th November your children are invited to bring £1 to school, in return for wearing their own clothes for the day. All of this money will go directly to the BBC Children In Need Appeal.



I am very concerned about the number of children who are arriving to school late and are therefore missing out on learning. When asked why they are late, the reason often given is due to traffic issues. We are all aware that traffic around school will be heavy and this is not an acceptable reason for children to miss out of their education.

This week 6 hours 3 mins of learning was missed due to children arriving after the bell at 8.50am.


Thank you for your support,

Mrs Sarah Bell


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