Friday 10th March 2023 Snow day home learning.

Good Morning,

Yesterday, I reminded you if it was a snow day, work will be on this website for you to complete. Below you will find your home learning for today. Make sure you complete each activity to the best of your ability in your homework books .


K.L. Comprehension skills.

Today I want you to complete a reading comprehension. The children working with Mrs Arif complete the work labelled Mrs Arif's reading group. Everybody else, complete the comprehension related to your book / bugclub level. They can be downloaded from the file below.


K.L. Ratio.

This week we have been learning ratio and proportion. In the file section you will find a range of questions to answer. There is no need to print it off, show your working out in your books.


K.L. Semi colons

Think about the ending of the Romeo and Juliet - could it have finished differently?

At the ending of Romeo and Juliet, Juliet fakes her death and lies in a tomb waiting for Romeo so they can run away together. Romeo doesn't receive the message, so thinks Juliet has actually died. He goes to Verona and sees Juliet in her tomb, thinking she is dead. He drinks poison and she wakes up to discover Romeo is dead. Juliet kills herself with his dagger.

The Capulet and Montague families vow never to argue again.


Create a comic strip with an alternative ending. You must still think about your sentence structure and include a range of punctuation (including a semi colon)  you have been taught in key stage 2 so far and one spelling from the Year 5 and 6 spelling list.


K.L. How do we use electricity?

Our new science topic is electricity. Today I would like you to think about how we use electricity. Follow the power point, in the file section and complete the tasks.


A reminder to do ten minutes exercise.

Below is a list of exercises for you to complete.

  • Criss-cross feet: Jump straight up, then cross one foot in front of the other; on next jump, switch feet and continue.
  • Hurdle hops: Jump side-to-side or front-to-back over a pretend hurdle.
  • Jumping jacks: Stretch arms and legs out to the side like a starfish while jumping; on the second jump, return arms to sides and legs to center on the landing.
  • One-foot hops: Lift one knee and jump on the standing leg; alternate. (This is a great balance challenge, too.)
  • Tuck jumps: Bend knees and lift heels high while jumping.


Files to Download