
Year 2 2020-2021

Times Table Awards

You will find the practice papers at the bottom of this page.

Autumn 1

Place Value

We will be representing numbers in different ways including partitioning, drawing tens and ones and writing the number in words. We will have fun working as a team, to find different ways of making a number.


We ordered lengths from the shortest to the longest.

Autumn 2


We looked at the properties of 2D and 3D shapes.

Odd and Even

We investigated odd and even numbers

Spring 2


We investigated what 2D shaps we could find on 3D shapes using nets to help.


This half term we have been looking at how to read a scale and use grams and kilograms to work out how heavy things are.


We learnt how to solve addition calculations involving exchange. We then used this knowledge to solve word problems.


Summer 1


We worked with numbers and shapes to find a half, quarter and three quarters.


We used repeated addition, arrays and our knowledge of the multiplication tables to work out problems.


We solved problems involving sharing and grouping. We used our multiplication knowledge to help.

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