06/03 Newsletter


                                                                                                                               Wednesday, 06 March 2024

Dear Parents/Carers,


Ramadan Kareem

Ramadan starts on Sunday for our Muslim families.


I know that a number of our older children indicate a desire to fast at this time.  There is no requirement for primary-aged children to fast, although I understand that this is a special time and some families choose for their older children to do so.

Children can often become restless, tired and may lack energy if they are fasting, which may prevent them from learning in the normal way. If you make the choice with your child that they will take part in the fast, please ensure that they are physically able to cope with demands that fasting places on them.


Children who are fasting have some choices.

They can go home during their lunchtime, they could sit in the dinner hall with the other children who are having their lunch or they can choose to go into a classroom for quiet reflection, supervised by a staff member. The children need to let their teacher know what their choice is each morning throughout Ramadan.


In addition to this, we expect all children to take a full part in the curriculum during the holy month of Ramadan. Some children often feel that they are not allowed to sing or listen to music during this time, however singing, dancing and listening to music will be part of the school curriculum and all children will be expected to take part in any such activities. Please ensure that your child understands this.


Reuse Book Project

Don’t forget to bring any unwanted books to school tomorrow. We have had some lovely books donated so far – thank you so much.

If children want to buy a pre-loved book for 50p, they can do so on Friday during the school day. Initially we are limiting the purchase to one per child and if there are further books left, we will let you know and these can be sold on Monday after school. Children who have donated a book will be given priority to buy a book.


World Book Day – Thursday 7th March

Children and staff are invited to dress up as a character from a book tomorrow.


All children will also watch a performance by Burnley Youth Theatre called Big Bad Wolf.


Times Table Finals

The following children took part in the Times Table final at Burney Youth Theatre this morning.


Year 3 Amani Hussain, Dawood Rehman, Maham Shakeel

Year 4 Muhammed Eesa Ibrar, Juwayriya Ashraf, Rua Imaan Iqbal

Year 5 Zainab Ahmed, Aminah Sajjad, Hawa Varyiam

Year 6 Saadiyah Afzal, Ismaeel Ali, Qasim Ghafoor


I am so proud of them all for getting to the final. They conducted themselves so well throughout and they all amazed me with how many times tables they were able to complete.


Rua, Saadiyah, Dawood and Zainab progressed through to the year group final.


Dawood Rehman won the trophy for Year 3 and Zainab Ahmed won the trophy for Year 5.


Zainab also won the overall Champion of Champion Trophy!


Our times table finalists!


Mental Health

The NHS have sent over some dates for sessions that they can run with parents/carers. If you require any further information about any of these sessions, please see Mrs Iqbal or Miss Cowell.


Thank you for your support,

Mrs Sarah Bell


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