14.10.22 Newsletter Attendance Punctuality Events Equality Non uniform day Clubs Parking Online Safety

Dear Parents/Carers,

Attendance and Punctuality

There have been 7hours and 18 minutes of learning lost this week due to children arriving late to school.

Our overall attendance for the week is 87.07%.

Your child will bring home their traffic light letter next week to show their attendance for the half term.

Children who achieve at least 96% attendance and are on ‘green’ at Christmas, Easter and Summer will be entered into a draw, to be one of four children in school to win a prize.


We had 7 hours and 18 minutes of lates this week, meaning vital learning is being missed by some children.

Please ensure that your child is in school before the gates closes at 8.50am each day.


Please remember that by law, your child has to attend school. Holidays or trips abroad during term time will not be authorised and will result in your child missing valuable learning time and the parents receiving a financial penalty.

Events this week

  • Our Year 1 children visited St Luke’s church as part of their RE lesson.

They learnt about how Christian babies are christened


  • A group of Year 5 and Year 6 children attended a BFC football tournament at the Leisure Box. They came fourth overall in the tournament and Coach Wall and Mrs Butt were very proud of their performance.


  • As part of the national Mental Health Day on Monday, all children took part in a

reading session, to promote reading for pleasure as a way of destressing and calming down.


Equality in School and in the Wider Community

All children have also been learning about Equality this week, and have had PSHE lessons about treating everyone fairly and not discriminating against people who are different from themselves. This includes not discriminating on the basis of the legal protected characteristics such as race, religion, age, gender and disability.

We also explained to the children that we shouldn’t discriminate against people, or treat them unfairly, on the basis of other characteristics that may be different from themselves, such as people who wear glasses or hearing aids, people who are tall or short or people with different colour hair, eyes or skin colour.


We want our school to be as safe and happy as possible for our children, and for them to contribute effectively to society throughout their lives, so it would be incredibly useful if you could reinforce these messages at home with your child.


Show Racism the Red Card

As part of our work on Equality, we want to support the Show Racism the Red Card campaign, which is the UK’s leading anti-racism educational charity.

On Friday 21st October, we would like the children to come in non-uniform and where possible, to wear red to school. We will be discussing aspects of the anti-racism campaign with the children. They do not need to bring any money for wearing red – it is just to heighten their awareness of the issue.

After School Clubs

Most clubs have will finish next week for the winter. This is because it will be too dark to collect the children from the playground over the winter and it will not be safe to have so many parents collecting from the school hall at once. Some of the sporting clubs will continue as we can facilitate a small number of children being collected at once.

We hope that your child has enjoyed a club if they have attended one this year and we will resume our wide range of clubs in the Spring.



Please ensure that drivers do not block the driveways of local residents, some of whom have complained to me this week about this issue, including a district nurse who was unable to enter the driveway of her patient, meaning that vital treatment was delayed by 10 minutes.


Online Safety Guide

This week I have attached a fact-sheet, which gives you information about Tik-Tok.

This social media platform is not suitable for children of primary age to have unrestricted access to.

Some of the content on Tik-Tok includes issues related to alcohol, drugs, abuse, suicide, self-harm and other inappropriate content, which under 18s should not be viewing.

The fact-sheet also states that Tik-Tok has experienced problems with ‘predators’ contacting its users.


As I mentioned last week, families should consider using Google Family.

This would help you to monitor what your child is watching, uploading, searching and sharing online.

School Holidays

School will close on Friday 21st October at 3.30pm for half term and will re-open on Monday 31st October.

Thank you for your support,


Mrs Sarah Bell
