Home Learning

Wednesday 17th January 2024


Read the text "World War II: A Snapshop of History" and complete the comprehension (both the text and comprehension questions are attached below but have also been set as '2dos' on PurpleMash).


We have been reading 'Goodnight Mr Tom' - a heartfelt story about a young boy being evacuated from London during World War II.  When children were evacuated from the city to the countryside they saw and experienced many new things, such as farm animals.  Your task is to read the description of a cow and to write a description of a different animal, similar to the example of a cow.


There are 3 activities set as 2dos on Purple Mash, linked to this week's learning (negative numbers).  There is also a worksheet attached below.

Also use Times Table Rockstars.

Theme: History - Britain declares war on Germany

Watch the video Britain declares war on Germany - BBC Teach and read the transcript of Neville Chamberlain's speech.  Create a newspaper report about the start of the war.  Why did Britain go to war?  How were people feeling?  What did the Prime Minister urge everyone to do?  You can either use the template set as a 2do on Purple Mash or you can download and use the attachments below.

Spelling and Grammar

Tasks have been set on Purple Mash but you can also access SPAG.com.

Files to Download