17/05 Newsletter


                                                                                                                                           Friday, 17 May 2024

Dear Parents/Carers,



Well done to our Year 6 children, as many of them took the SATS tests this week. They have finished the formal tests but still have to work on their writing standards in class, along with the other curriculum subjects.

Thank you to everyone around school who kept very quiet this week, to ensure that the Year 6 children were not disturbed during their tests.



A number of children have been collected early from school recently. Appointments such as dentist, optician and hair cuts should all be made out of the school day.

We will request that you show us a letter or text message for any appointments where children are collected early, otherwise the absence will be noted as unauthorised.



Our overall attendance for this week is 92.44%.


These four classes achieved the 96%+ target this week:

Y2S Badgers (97.32%), Y5M Felis Silvestris (97.06%), Y4P Starling (97.04%) and Y6H Wildcats (96.67%)



We had 6 hours and 5 minutes of lates this week, meaning vital learning is still being missed by some children.  All children need to be in school by 8.50am each day.



Only one class had all children in school on time this week: Y1 Fox Class


Car Safety

The law states that children should use a car seat unless they are medically exempt up until they are 12 years old or 135 cm tall.

You should select the most appropriate seat based on your child’s height or weight.


I regularly see primary children and even babies that are not using a car seat when in a car. Parents/carers should consider what the implications could be if you were in an accident.

Please make the right choice for your child’s safety.


Upcoming Events

  • Year 2 are having lessons on road safety next week.
  • 21st May – Y4 will be having an Egyptian day as part of their topic. Children were invited to dress up in the theme of Ancient Egyptians. Teachers have sent home some basic ideas.
  • 22nd May – Ten children from Y5/6 who have been attending a FBA club (Fantastic Book Awards) all year, will be going on a trip to Preston UCLAN to meet all of the authors of the books they have been reading.
  • 23rd May – Y2 will have their trip to Lytham
  • Week beginning 3rd June – Y4 will take the required multiplication check
  • 7th June – Non-uniform day. Children are asked to bring a chocolate donation
  • 10th June – Year 1 and Year 2 children will take their phonics test this week
  • 13th June – Family Eid event for Reception children and their families – please return the slip that has been sent home if you wish to attend.
  • 19th June – all children can wear non-uniform
  • 20th June – Eid Fair 3.45pm to 4.45pm – everyone is welcome to attend


Sports Days



Monday 10th June



Monday 10th June


Year 1 and Year 2

Friday 14th June


Year 5 and Year 6

Friday 14th June


Year 3 and Year 4

Sports days will be dependent on fine weather.


Art Week

Our third and final art week of the school year will take place after half term. Please see the timings below.



Next week is the last week of after school clubs.


Breakfast Club

Breakfast club is open from 7.30am daily. Sessions need to be booked in advance.


Parents/carers must drop children off at the door. Children should not arrive on their own.

Please do not drive into the staff car park to drop children off or to collect them.


Maths Whizz

We use a Maths programme in school called Maths Whizz. A number of children have been using it already but we are raising money with a school fair on 20th June, so that we can afford to buy more licences to offer access to all children from Y3 upwards.


To be able to use Maths Whizz, parents/carers need to give permission.

If a letter has come home for this, please ensure that it is returned as soon as possible. Once you have a password, you can access it at home and at school.


From September, this will be replacing MyMaths for all Maths homework.

Children in Year 1 and Year 2 can continue to use Numbots.


Swimming Voucher

Pendle Leisure have provided a voucher for all children to have a free swimming session in one of their pools. These came home yesterday. Swimming is a very important life skill and I urge you to take up this offer.


Year 6 Transition

Y6 children who will be attending a high school in the Pendle area will be attending a transition day at their new high school on Thursday 27th June.

(Colne Primet, Marsden Heights, Pendle Vale, SS Fisher More)

Children attending a school not in the Pendle area will be invited for a transition day, but we have not been informed of these dates yet.

Please let us know if the school contacts you directly about this.


Each high school will also be having a meeting for new parents/carers. You should check with each school to find out when this is. Some may have taken place, but others are planned over the coming weeks.


Some schools also have some sessions over the summer that new pupils can attend.

For children going to Marsden Heights, there is further information on the front page of their website.

New Year 7 children can attend from 22nd June to 26th June from 9am – 3pm each day but you must apply for a place.


For all other schools, I suggest you contact the schools and ask if there are any arrangements for summer visits. I think this would really help the children be more familiar with the new school for when they start.


Online Safety Hub

All Reedley parents can access the Online Safety Hub FOR FREE. Click on the link below to access the Online Safety Hub for lots of expert advice and guidance to help you manage your child's safety online.



Setting up Qustodio

Remember that you can create a free Qustodio account so that parents/carers can monitor usage on 2 of their child’s devices.


Qustodio 30 day school special | Qustodio

See some of the benefits are listed below. Not all features are available from the free account but many of them are.



Tips for Talking to Your Child About Online Bullying

Online bullying - Reedley Primary School - Hub (onlinesafetyhub.uk)


Key Dates

  • School closes for half term after school on Friday 24th May and reopens on Monday 3rd
  • School will be closed for two days for Eid in June on Monday 17th and 18th

Thank you for your support,

Mrs Bell, Headteacher






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