Our News items
World Book Day, Red Nose Day, Whitehough, Parking, by Mrs Iqbal
Author visit , by Mrs Ellis
Safer internet and allergy update, by Mrs Iqbal
Art Week Year 2 , by Mrs Ellis
18 1 19 Spelling bee, attendance, lates, clubs, by Mrs Iqbal
Adverse Weather and instructions to install school App, by Mrs Iqbal
Attendance Treat, by Miss Broadbent
YouTube, events, parking banner and Times table award, by Mrs Iqbal
Non-uniform day for Children in Need, by Mrs Iqbal
Poppies, Event and Parking, by Mrs Iqbal
Show and tell , by Miss Broadbent
Value Bear Winners, by Miss Broadbent
Library bus Visit, by Mrs Collins
Art Week 15.10.18-19.10.18, by Mrs Collins
Macmillan Coffee Morning @ Reedley Primary School, by Mrs Iqbal
Pendle Dogs In Need visit Year 2!, by Mrs Ellis
This week's learning , by Mr Ellis
English - The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe , by Mr Ellis
This week's learning , by Mr Ellis
This week's learning , by Mr Ellis
Food Glorious Food , by Mr Ellis
This week's learning , by Mr Ellis