
Spring term
Things to look forward to during this term
Return to school for the new school year- Monday 6th January 
Sandersons Dance workshop - Tuesday 14th January
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Number Fun day with Dave Godfry - Tuesday 4th February
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Wear your clothes inside out for Mental Health Day - Friday 7th February
Half term - Monday 17th February to Friday 21st February
We return to school on Monday 24th February
Quidditch - Monday 24th February and Tuesday 25th February
World Book Day - Thursday 6th March
Parents Evening - Tuesday 25th March
School closed to celebrate Eid al-Fitr - Monday 31st March and Tuesday 1st April
Last day of the Spring term -  Friday 4th April
Autumn term
Things to look forward to during this term
Return to school for the new school year- Tuesday 3rd September
Maths Whizz event for parents and children - Monday 9th September
Year 4 swimming - Monday 16th September, Wednesday 19th September, Friday 20th September, Tuesday 24th September, Thursday 26th September
MacMillan Coffee morning - Friday 27th September

School Trip Scrapbooking Laser Cut Title with Mini Bus

Schoool Trip to Astley Hall - Tuesday 8th October

We had a fantastic trip and learnt some facts about the textiles industry including how fabric is made. We then had a go at weaving and learnt about how difficult is is to make a tapestry.

Th afternoon was filled with activities linked to our next History topic, The Plague. 

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Mental Health day - Thursday 10th October 
Look how incredible the children look in their yellow clothes.
               IMG_0398(1).JPG World Mental Health Day 2023 | Mental Health Foundation
Parents evening - Wednesday 16th October
Lego workshop - Thursday 17th October
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Half term - Monday 21st October to Friday 25th October
We return to school on Monday 28th October
Art Week - Week beginning Monday 4th November

Hannah More Primary School - Week 12 - Art week!

30th October - 3rd November

Year 4 have spent the week learning and exploring the style of L.S. Lowry. His work linked to our History topic - Industrail Revolution. Below are a few examples of his work and our interpretation following his style.

L.S. Lowry - Historic UK  L.S. Lowry - Historic UK  L S Lowry

Thank you to all the parents who came to our Art week parent session. It was lovely to see the children explaining our objectives to their parents. 

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Last day of the Autumn term -  Friday 20th December