Spring term
Things to look forward to during this term
Return to school for the new school year- Monday 6th January
Sandersons Dance workshop - Tuesday 14th January
Number Fun day with Dave Godfry - Tuesday 4th February
Wear your clothes inside out for Mental Health Day - Friday 7th February
Half term - Monday 17th February to Friday 21st February
We return to school on Monday 24th February
Quidditch - Monday 24th February and Tuesday 25th February
World Book Day - Thursday 6th March
Parents Evening - Tuesday 25th March
School closed to celebrate Eid al-Fitr - Monday 31st March and Tuesday 1st April
Last day of the Spring term - Friday 4th April
Autumn term
Things to look forward to during this term
Return to school for the new school year- Tuesday 3rd September
Maths Whizz event for parents and children - Monday 9th September
Year 4 swimming - Monday 16th September, Wednesday 19th September, Friday 20th September, Tuesday 24th September, Thursday 26th September
MacMillan Coffee morning - Friday 27th September
Schoool Trip to Astley Hall - Tuesday 8th October
We had a fantastic trip and learnt some facts about the textiles industry including how fabric is made. We then had a go at weaving and learnt about how difficult is is to make a tapestry.
Th afternoon was filled with activities linked to our next History topic, The Plague.
Mental Health day - Thursday 10th October
Look how incredible the children look in their yellow clothes.

Parents evening - Wednesday 16th October
Lego workshop - Thursday 17th October
Half term - Monday 21st October to Friday 25th October
We return to school on Monday 28th October
Art Week - Week beginning Monday 4th November
30th October - 3rd November
Year 4 have spent the week learning and exploring the style of L.S. Lowry. His work linked to our History topic - Industrail Revolution. Below are a few examples of his work and our interpretation following his style.
Thank you to all the parents who came to our Art week parent session. It was lovely to see the children explaining our objectives to their parents.
Last day of the Autumn term - Friday 20th December