

Dear Parents/Carers,


Thank you for all of your support throughout the school year. It has been a pleasure to see your children flourish! Good luck to the Year 6 children, who leave us all today. We will miss you!



Please remember that the children will be swimming in September. In the 1st two weeks it will be Y5 and Y6. From 16th September, it will be Y3 and Y4.


Sue Dean Award

Muhammad Shafi in Y1 won the Sue Dean Writing Award for this half term.


Reading for Pleasure Award

Imaani Amir and Hanna Baig won the Reading For Pleasure award. They each got a £10 book voucher.



The children with 96+% attendance in the summer term enjoyed a magic show from Scoop on Wednesday. It was amazing to see the bird disappear, and then reappear in a box on the other side of the room! WOW!


There will be another opportunity to see a show in December for children whose attendance is on green in the Autumn Term.


I hope you all have a safe and happy holiday. Don’t forget to use Maths Whizz to help keep the children’s brains switched on. There is also a challenge running in the local library that children can take part in.

Key Dates

  • School reopens to pupils after the summer holiday on Tuesday 3rd


Mrs Sarah Bell



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