

                                                                                                                                   Friday, 07 February 2025

Dear Parents/Carers,




Whole school attendance this week is 93%.

These three class had the highest attendance this week and were the only classes that met the target of 96%+


Heron Y1C


Mink Y3G


Chick Rec K




Both of our Year 4 classes only had one late this week.

Please remember that school starts promptly at 8.50am.


Asda Rewards

Thank you to everyone who contributed to the Asda Reward Scheme earlier in the year.

£285.99 was raised for the school which go towards paying for the Numberfun workshop that all the children took part in on Tuesday.





Please ensure that young children are holding hands with an appropriate adult on the journey to and from school. There have been a few near-misses recently.

Traffic can be unpredictable so please supervise your children near the roads and when crossing the roads. We will be doing road-safety training with the younger children in the summer, but reminders from family members will also reinforce this message.


Please ensure that you do not block driveways

when parking around school.

We have had a number of complaints from

local residents about this.


It’s also an offence to park your car

where there is a dropped curb.



Medical tracker

We have a new computerised system for keeping track of all of the children’s medical needs. We will use this for keeping a record of care plans and to notify you of injuries or health related issues, instead of using paper. Once it is fully up and running, there will no longer be any green first aid forms that come home if first aid has been administered.

Over the next few weeks, documents will soon start to be emailed to you.

Please ensure that we have your up-to-date email address, so that you can ensure that you receive any notification from us.


Art week

Year 2 had their art week this week. Thank you to those parents who were able to attend.

These are the dates and times of the remaining sessions.

Please ensure that you are prompt for the sessions as it can be distracting for the teacher and children if people arrive at different times.

Please note that the Y3 slot has been changed to 26th February as the original date was too close to the school trips next week.


Art sessions

9.15 – 9.45

2.45 – 3.15

Tuesday 11th  February


Year 5

Thursday 13th February


Year 4

Friday 14th  February


Year 6

Monday 10th March


Year 1

Wednesday 26th February


Year 3



Grapes and Tomatoes

Please note that if children of primary age are given items such as grapes or small tomatoes to eat, they should be cut lengthways and then into quarters, to prevent a risk of choking. This includes items sent in lunchboxes.



Recent Events

-          CRICKET - Rec, Y1, Y2 and Y4 classes had a taster session of cricket on Monday 3rd February.

(Y3 and Y5 will have cricket sessions later in the school year)



-          READING - Many Year 1 parents came into school for a ‘Come Read With Me’ session on Monday. They worked with their child to create resources to carry out fun reading activities at home. The next session will take place on 3rd March.



-          NUMBERFUN –

The children all took part in a Numberfun session

on Tuesday to introduce the children to a

range of fun songs for

learning different aspects of Maths.





SATS meeting – Y6 parents

Parents/carers of children in Year 6 are invite to attend a meeting on Monday from 2.15pm to talk about the SATS tests which will take place in school from Monday 12th May to Thursday 15th May.

You will find out about the different tests that the children will be taking and how you can support them in preparing for this.

On-Line Programmes

We will be holding a session in school for parents/carers to attend, so that you can become more familiar with the on-line programmes that we use. This will include Maths Whizz, Numbots, TT Rockstars and Purple Mash. We will show you how to log on and how to navigate your way around the software. Your child will join you for the session and you can explore the programmes together. You will also be able to ask questions about the programmes.


The session will be on Thursday 13th February from 2.30pm.

Please register for the session if you would like to attend.

You can send Mrs Iqbal a message on Whatsapp on 07973 543932 or you can send a note in on a piece of paper.

Please state your child’s name and year group/class clearly on the message.


Upcoming Events

-          Year 3E (Mrs Ellis’s Class) are going to Bring Yer Wellies on Thursday 13th February

-          Year 3G (Miss Grey’s Class) are going to Bring Yer Wellies on Friday 14th February


-          Parent Information Session at 2.30pm for online programmes. Children will join the session if their parents are at the meeting.



Virtual Author Visits

As part of National Storytelling Week this week, Y3 – 6 took part in a virtual author event where they were introduced to authors Jenny McLachlan, Jordan Glover, Leah Williamson and Jacob North.



Y2 will take part in a virtual event next Tuesday in school with author Simon Philip and Illustrator Neil Clark.


Mental Health Awareness

We had a focus today on children’s mental health. The children were invited to wear their school uniforms inside out to remind us that we need to know ourselves inside and out to have good wellbeing. Children were encouraged to think about they like, what they need and what their hopes and dreams are.

Year 3 and 4 children with their uniforms inside out.

Simra said, " I have enjoyed wearing my uniform inside out

because it's a good way to show awareness

about children's mental health."

Uniform and Makeup

A number of girls have started bring lipgloss to school. Often this is coloured and glittery. This is not part of school uniform and can also cause upset if it gets lost.

Children may bring a plain non-coloured lip salve to school if parents wish them to.

I have informed the children about this in assembly today. Please could you ensure that your child leave make-up items at home.


Swimming Pass

All children have been given a swimming pass to use at any of the

Pendle Leisure Trust pools over half term.


Key Dates


Parent/child Workshop for On-Line Learning – Thursday 13th February 2.30pm. Please notify us if you are able to attend.


Half term – school will be closed from Monday 17th February to Friday 21st February and will reopen on Monday 24th February.


World Book Day – Thursday 6th March. Dress as a book character.


Parents are invited to come in during the day

during World Book Day.



Eid - School will be closed on Monday 31st March and Tuesday 1st April.


Easter – School will be closed from Monday 7th April for the Easter break. It will reopen on Tuesday 22nd April.


School will be closed to pupils on Thursday 1st May as school is used as a polling station for local elections.


Y6 SATS test will take place from Monday 12th May to Thursday 15th May.


Y4 Times Table Check will take place between Monday 2nd June to Friday 13th June


Phonics Screening Check (for Y1 children and any Y2 children who didn’t meet the required pass mark last year) will take place from Monday 9th June to Friday 13th June.


Thank you for your support, Mrs Sarah Bell, Headteacher

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