Autumn 2 - Healthy Humans
Above is the knowledge oragniser your child has been given to take home. We have asked the children to read through the key words we will be using throughout our Science topic.
Autumn 2
Our theme is… Healthy Humans
Our Key Questions are:
- How do our choices impact on our lifestyle?
- Are the diets different between animals and humans?
- What are the essential elements of a balanced meal?
Why do we need a skeleton and are all skeletons the same?
Children will understand the effect of a balanced diet and how this impacts on our lifestyle.
Children will begin to ask and answer simple scientific questions such as ‘What if we only eat sugar?’
We investigated the amount of sugars and fats in our everyday foods by exploring the packaging and the nutrition labels.
We then looked at a fast food website. We looked at the nutrition in the food they make.
The children were shocked with the amount of fat and sugar in their favourite foods.
They will understand that although some animals and humans are mammals, they need a different diet. Children will be able to explain the difference between Herbivores, Omnivores and Carnivores.
They will be able to name some of the bones in the body and how why the skeleton is important.
Children will use classify to identify different groups e.g. classify animals based on their diet, identify and group animals such as vertebrates and invertebrates.
Children will be able to recognise the difference between vertebrates and invertebrates and understand the importance of exoskeletons.
Children will understand where food comes from and discuss what food they can get at particular times of the year.
Spring 1 -Rock and Roll
Above is the knowledge oragniser your child has been given to take home. We have asked the children to read through the key words we will be using throughout our Science topic.
Our theme is :Rocks and soils
Our Key Questions are:
How are fossils formed?
Are all rocks the same?
What can fossils tell us about the past?
Children will compare and group together different kinds of rocks on the basis of their appearance and simple physical properties.
Children will describe in simple terms how fossils are formed when things that have lived are trapped within rock.
Children will recognise that soils are made from rocks and organic matter.
The children have been looking carefully at different rocks and trying to name them.
The Children wrote a descrition and drew each of the rocks.
We then set up an investigation to see How hard rocks are?
We talked about what hardness and durable means. We then looked at things we can change, things we can observe and things we need to keep the same to ensure it is a fair test.
We scratched each rock once with: 1. fingernails 2. a paperclip 3. A coin.
We observed if this then left scratches on the rocks or made them crumble.
We learnt about how fossils were formed and what they can tell us about the past. The children loved trying to identify what the fossils were.
Spring 2 - Forces and Magnets
Below is the knowledge oragniser your child has been given to take home. We have asked the children to read through the key words we will be using throughout our Science topic.
Our Key Questions are:
Do all objects use the same force?
How can the strength of a force be changed?
Are all materials magnetic?
Do all mangets have the same strength?
How do magnets work?
Do all objects use the same force?
KL: Pattern seeking
KL: Are all materials magnetic?
KL: Pattern seeking
KL: Do all magnets have the same strength?
KL: Pattern seeking
KL: How do magnets work?
How are magnets useful?
Summer 1
Science- Lights
What do we need light for?
We need light to see things. Without light it would be dark. Darkness is the absence of light. Within our lesson we explored different light sources.
Click on the link to Explore light in more detail
How is light reflected?
Click on the link to find out how light is reflected
We used touches to explore which surfaces reflected the light the best.
Click on the link to find out how light is reflected for safety
Our Key Questions are:
What do we need light for?
How is light reflected?
How do mirrors work?
KL: Why do we need light.
KL: Research
KL: How does light travel?
We did an investigation using different materials such as tinfoil, wood, plastic and cardboard to see which would reflect.
KL: How can sunlight be dangerous
Today we have been investigating the protection different SPF's give us in the sun.
We coated UV beads in diffferent SPF's and then put them in direct sunlight. We compared how they changed coloured.
We then made our own sun safety bracelets using the UV beads see the pictures below.