Home Learning 4.7.24
Read the poem below from 'The Lost Words'. Answer the questions below.
Dazzle me, little sun-of-the-grass!
And spin me, tiny time-machine!
(Tick-tock, sun clock, thistle & dock)
Now no longer known as
Dent-de-Lion, Lion’s Tooth or Windblow,
(Tick-tock, sun clock, nettle & dock)
Evening Glow, Milkwitch or Parachute, so
Let new names take and root, thrive and grow,
(Tick-tock, sun clock, rattle & dock)
I would make you some, such as
Bane of Lawn Perfectionists
Or Fallen Star of the Football Pitch
or Scatterseed, but
Never would I call you only, merely, simply, ‘weed’.
(Tick-tock, sun clock, clover & dock)
- Why do you think the poet refers to the dandelion as a time machine?
- How do you think the poet feels about dandelions? How do you know?
- What does the use of repetition bring to the poem?
- Can you think of a new name for a dandelion? What would it be and why?
A grammar task has been set on spag.com. Please complete this.
Create a poem based on an aspect of nature of your own. Use 'The Lost Words' as inpiration. Use 2Write on PurpleMash and save your work.
- Complete the end of unit quiz based on all four operations on Purple Mash (2do set)
- There should also be a battle set between the Year 6 classes on TTRS.
Discuss the changes you will experience next year when you start your new journey in Year 7. Have you any concerns? What are you most excited about? How do you feel now you have visited your high school? Has this changed anything for you?