Home Learning - 18/01/2024

School is closed today due to bad weather. Please find some learning activities for your child to complete. 

If you want to share your child's learning, email:




Watch this Numberblocks song as a starter to recap the ways to make all of the numbers up to 5.

Now watch the video lesson about comparing numbers 0-5. After watching the video, have a go at playing the game with a family member. You could draw dots or pictures on paper to make your own cards or you could print the page attached at the bottom of the page in the files section.

Session 4 - Comparing Numbers to 5



These two phonics videos practise the new Grapheme-Phoneme Correspondence (GPC)  'z'. You will need paper and a pencil to complete these lessons.

Lesson 37 (part 1): 'z' as in zip

Lesson 37 (part 2): Practise reading words

If you want to practise additional Phonics with your child, any of the previous lessons in the playlist (1-36) will cover sounds we have learnt so far this year.



Yesterday you were asked to listen to our new class story and complete a short writing activity. If you haven't done this, please go to yesterday's home learning tab and complete that work first. You might want to listen to the story again to refresh your memory. I've attached the video again.


Here are some words that I thought of yesterday. Can you decide if these are true about Rainbow Fish? 

Screenshot 2024-01-17 142724.png

Now you have a bank of words to describe Rainbow Fish,your learning job today is to write a sentence about Rainbow Fish. You could say 'Rainbow Fish is pretty' or to challenge your brain even more, you could use the word 'and' to make your sentence longer; such as 'Rainbow Fish is pretty and colourful.'

Remember to use your 'Phonics Fingers' to sound out the words you want to write. I have attached the phonics mat to the files section at the bottom of the page to help you with your sounds and tricky words.

Note to parents: In Reception, we are not marking correct spelling, we look at use of the sounds they know e.g. lovely may be written as 'luvli' or even 'lvi'. This is okay, just encourage your child to think about the sounds they can hear when they say the word. 

The Rainbow Fish Story



Read some of the books which have been set for you to read and enjoy on Bug Club.

If you can't log onto Bug Club, you could read any book you have at home or you could use the Oxford Owl eReading Library which has free ebooks to read.


Physical Development

Nibs the Octopus Yoga

Exercise counting


Understanding the World

This week we have been discussing the ocean and what might live there. Draw some pictures and label the sea creatures. I've attached a picture to help you with some ideas.istockphoto-1329666956-612x612.jpg


Personal, Social and Emotional Development

How can we stay safe and healthy in the cold weather?

Think carefully about things we might wear or rules we might follow that keep us safe when its very. very cold outside. Talk about these with your grown up. You could even draw a picture with labels of the clothes you wear to go out in the snow.


Files to Download